The beginning of fall often comes with the end of outdoor garden season. However, growing your own food can continue indoors throughout fall and winter. This workshop is focused on giving you some tips on how to set up growing indoors, the variety of vegetables to plant, what soil and compost mix to use (to avoid & minimize pest), watering your plants, etc. Growing indoors is tricky yet simple and inexpensive. The most important things you need to grow indoors are soil, seeds, water, and light. Let's get growing!
Abena Offeh-Gyimah is an urban farmer, a business owner, passionate about ancestral African plants and interested in the preserving traditional African foods. She has a master’s degree in Women and Gender Studies, and has worked with Building Roots TO as an urban agriculture coordinator, at Black Creek Community Farm as a Youth Farming Coordinator, and a resident on the Black Creek Food Justice Network. Her passion for preserving indigenous African foods led her to start Adda Blooms, a natural food company that offers traditional African plantbased wholefoods and wholesome snacks. Abena’s vision is to work with small scale farmers to support their livelihood, and to grow and preserve African native plants. She works from a lens of food sovereignty.
Instagram: Instagram: @abenaoffeh @addablooms