Participants will get an overview of what resistance and creative/writer’s block is, how it’s related to the state of our nervous system and how our body is our best ally in shifting these states.
Participants will also be introduced to and get some hands-on experience with 3 body-based techniques – powerful ways to shift out of stuckness and into flow.
You’ll learn the most common resistance patterns and how they block you creatively.
You’ll learn what writer’s block and resistance has to do with your body and the state of your nervous system.
You’ll know how to shift resistance and get back into flow with 3 easy-to-use body-based practices.
Bonus: you’ll feel enthusiastic, optimistic and ready to really get into what is most calling you!
Our Facilitator:
Janelle Hardy is a writer, artist, host of the Personal Mythmaking Podcast and the creator/teacher of a 5-month transformational memoir-writing course called The Art of Personal Mythmaking.
She’s a born and raised Yukoner, a solo mother, who has been working as a trauma-informed bodyworker in the hands-on healing arts fields for 13+ years and as an artist (writing, painting + dance) for 17+ years. Throughout that time she’s taught adults out of her living room, arts centres, universities and community colleges.
For the past 4+ years she’s integrated all of her expertise, including a BA in Anthropology, an MA in Dance and a Diploma in Structural Integration, into supporting people in their creative healing work via the alchemy of transformational memoir-writing.